
uiuscraper: A Golang Scraper Plugin Powered by Colly

Go Plugin designed to automate the process of scraping notices from various departments of my university website with the help of Colly

Last updated on 29th Mar 2024

uiuscraper: A Golang Scraper Plugin Powered by Colly cover image

In the world of university life, staying updated with the latest notices and announcements is crucial. However, manually checking each department's website can be time-consuming and tedious. That's where "uiuscraper" comes in—a specialized Go package designed to automate the process of scraping notices from various departments of my university website. Created originally for a Discord bot project at my university, this open-source scraper offers a convenient solution for keeping track of notices across different departments.

Introducing uiuscraper

Uiuscraper is a specialized Go package designed to automate the process of fetching notices from United International University departmental websites. Powered by the robust Colly web scraping framework, it offers a seamless solution for staying informed about the latest announcements across different departments. Whether you're a student, faculty member, or staff, uiuscraper simplifies the task of monitoring notices, saving you time and effort.

Why Choose uiuscraper?

Harnessing the Power of Colly

Colly is a powerful web scraping framework for Go, known for its flexibility and efficiency. By leveraging Colly's features, uiuscraper provides robust notice retrieval capabilities, ensuring accurate and reliable results every time.

Automated Notice Retrieval

With uiuscraper, you can automate the retrieval of notices from United International University departmental websites. Gone are the days of manually checking each page for updates—uiuscraper handles the process for you, saving you valuable time and effort.

Seamless Integration

Uiuscraper is designed for easy integration into your Go projects. Whether you're building a web application, a Discord bot, or any other software that requires access to UIU's notices, uiuscraper seamlessly fits into your workflow, thanks to its intuitive API and comprehensive documentation.

How It Works

Uiuscraper utilizes Colly's powerful scraping capabilities to extract notices from UIU's departmental websites. By navigating through the HTML structure of each page, uiuscraper identifies and retrieves the latest announcements, including details such as title, date, and department.

go get

Getting Started with uiuscraper

Integrating uiuscraper into your project is simple. Start by importing the package and configuring the desired settings, such as the target departments and notification preferences. Then, use uiuscraper's intuitive API to fetch notices with just a few lines of code. With clear examples and extensive documentation provided, you'll be up and running in no time.

Contribute to uiuscraper


Uiuscraper is an open-source project, and contributions are welcome from developers worldwide. Whether you want to report a bug, suggest a feature, or submit a pull request, your involvement helps improve uiuscraper for the entire community. Join us in making notice retrieval at United International University more efficient and accessible for everyone.


Uiuscraper, powered by Colly, offers a streamlined solution for fetching notices from United International University departmental websites. Whether you're a student, faculty member, or staff, uiuscraper simplifies the process of staying informed about important updates, saving you time and hassle. Try uiuscraper today and experience the convenience of automated notice retrieval firsthand.

With uiuscraper and Colly, staying updated with the latest announcements from UIU's departments has never been easier. Don't waste another moment manually searching for notices—let uiuscraper do the work for you. Try it now and streamline your university notice retrieval process.